Trevor, a machinist, has not slept in a year. Fatigue has led to a shocking deterioration of his physical and mental health. Suspicious of his appearance, Trevors co-workers first shy away from him, then turn against him after hes involved in a shop accident that costs a man his arm. He has become a liability to himself and others.
Plagued with guilt, Trevors shame becomes suspicion, then paranoia, when it appears his workmates are conspiring to have him fired - or worse. First he finds cryptic notes left in his apartment. Next hes told that a mysterious co-worker involved in the accident doesn't exist.
Are these mysteries a plot to drive Trevor mad? Or is fatigue robbing him of his reason? Trevor investigates the strange occurrences that are turning his world into a sleepless nightmare. Yet the more he learns, the less he wants to know...
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Machinist......a brief review
Posted by
Impossible is Nothing
1:13 PM
20 ways to boost your confidence.
How a person carries and presents himself or herself is a time-tested aphrodisiac. It's also a quality that both sexes eagerly look for in a long-term partner. Confidence reflects self-acceptance and self-love. TRUE Advisory Board member Dr. Ilona Jerabek presents the following tips for building and keeping a high self-esteem. Take these to heart and improve your personal and love life today!
1) Act.
When you're feeling insecure or doubting your abilities, don't hide away. Take a
deep breath, get out there, and do the very things you're unsure about ... even if
you have to start small. If, for example, you want to act in a play, but you're
not sure you can do it, why not sign up for a very small part? You'll build your
2) Conquer fear: take risks.
Sometimes life requires a small "leap of faith." You'll feel good that you took
some risks, even if they don't always work out as well as you hope. At least you
can say you tried!
3) Stand up for yourself.
Low self-esteem often leads to lack of assertiveness; and when we don't voice what we want and need, we end up feeling worse about who we are. Build your assertiveness skills, and it will get easier in time.
4) Set personal goals.
Decide where you'd like to go, and make a reasonable, yet challenging, plan to get there. Set deadlines and a system of rewards to keep you going. (A goal, by the way, doesn't have to be a huge life decision, like "become a doctor". It can be anything you want to have in your life, like "Make one new friend" or "Learn to make jam.")
5) Practice truthfulness.
Avoid white lies. We often fib because we think we are sparing feelings or making things easier, but dishonesty only ends up making us feel bad about ourselves. Don't present a false face.
6) Practice positive affirmations.
Write down 5 or 10 things you really like about yourself. And next time a negative thought pops into your mind, replace it with something positive.
7) Find things you enjoy.
Whether it's sewing, drawing, swimming or karate, hobbies are a big self-esteem booster. Even if we are not experts, doing something for the pleasure and challenge builds our sense of who we are.
8) Use visualization techniques.
If you're anxious or doubtful about your ability to do something (ask your boss for a raise or compete in a marathon, for example), practice visualizing that moment in detail. Imagine yourself pulling it off smoothly. It'll lower your fear and boost your confidence.
9) Enhance your ability to cope with stress.
It's not so easy to believe in yourself if you're stressed out. Develop a repertoire of strategies for calming your spirit and incorporate them into your life as much as possible (like reading a good book, talking to friends, riding a horse or taking a bubble bath).
10) Make a list of your accomplishments.
Include anything that made you feel good about yourself, without thinking about whether it is technically an "accomplishment" or not. (Your ability to relate to children, your chess talent, the amazing cookies you make, the great short story you wrote.) Refer to it whenever you need a boost.
11) Live in the moment.
The more time you spend dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, the more of the present you are wasting. Life is NOW, and you should get out there and embrace it.
12) Do things for others.
It's easy to get wrapped up in your own little world and forget that there are people out there who are in need. Give to others (your time, company, whatever you have to share) and you'll find yourself feeling better about yourself.
13) Take care of yourself physically.
Eat well, get enough sleep, kick nasty habits and get some exercise. Treat your body like it deserves to be treated!
Tips To Help With Positive Thinking
Negative Thoughts | Helpful Alternatives |
Other people seem so much more confident (or successful, popular, etc.) than me. | In all areas of life, you can always find people who are better or luckier than you and people who are worse or less fortunate than you. |
I don't have any talent. | I'll try to do the best I can. |
I have no discipline, no will power. | I'm not going to give up! |
I'm a complete failure. | Making mistakes is only human. |
I'm worthless, no good. | My qualities include ... (make a list) |
I have no patience whatsoever. | I can do anything if I put enough time and effort into it. |
I'll never be able to ... | I can do anything if I put enough time and effort into it. |
I don't have any brains. | I can do anything if I put enough time and effort into it. |
I'm a born loser. | I have a good family life. That's all that matters. |
I'm so weird. | Many things are more important than looks. |
Vinod Gupta
To know more about me click me
Posted by
Impossible is Nothing
6:28 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Party Season
This last week was really great.
No words how to describe the fun and masti that i had this last week. The fun was awesome.
I had 4 parties in this week and still 2 days are left for the week to complete.
I mean to say 4 party in 5 days.
The first one was on Sunday when it was my flatmate Himanshu's Birthday and he treated us at Shahib Singh Sultan in city center Mall in Banjara Hills.
That was a great party and we really enjoyed it.
Monday it was our Company's Quarterly party at Rock Heights in Hi Tech City .It was a great party. The party started with dances and all . The theme of the party was Mughal Empire. The environment was build like that only. It was awesome. We enjoyed lots of drinks and snacks. The party was great. Then after all this dance and some programs the DJ started and we danced a lot.
We really enjoyed it. By the time, people were high on dancing , Mr Kara was out of senses and just enjoyed sitting alone. We bring him back to home. The party finished and left a remarcable memory.
The third party was on Tuesday. Our Team Outing to RunWay-9. The important thing about this party was that it was organized by me and manish. So we were more enthusiastic about it. We reached there at around 5 PM. I did 16 laps cart laps. Actually RunWay-9 is famous for Go-Karting. In 3 out of 4 Races i was the winner. That was really great.
Last race only me and manish were there in the track and we were really fighting to get ahead of each other. We were colliding with each other with so much speed that it was great. Other teammates who were watching us were just looking that what we are doing. Of course i was the winner. When we came out the other team mates said that it was an amazing race. We enjoyed just viewing it how much you people have enjoyed doing it. Really it was great.
Then we go for two rounds of Laser Combat. That was also a great game and we enjoyed that also. We had some snacks in between and things were really going great.
At around 9 PM we left for dinner. For dinner we came to Hotel Green Park in Ameerpet. The dinner was also great and this way the third party also go great.
The fourth party was on Wednesday, the Microsoft party. It was also in High-Tech City in Novatel Hotel. The main performer over there was Sonu- Nigam. He sang really good songs and made the party really great. Everybody was enjoying it. We enjoyed some drinks also. It was great.
After that we had dinner and I returned to my Home.
This way all the 4 parties went great and i am still expecting if i go to some other party in this week itself.
Although 4 parties in 5 days was really great and awesome and i really enjoyed it.
Vinod Gupta
To know more about me just Click Me
Posted by
Impossible is Nothing
7:18 AM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Roorkee Crossword-Questions related to Roorkee
Here are some questions which are related to Roorkee specially IIT Roorkee and presented in the form of a crossword.
The answers to the crossword is also provided.
If you are able to answer at least 15 out of these 20 questions then i can say u have spent the life with ease at roorkee and loving roorkee and moving around and enjoying. It also shows that you have good idea about the nook and corner in roorkee.
So try solving the Crossword.
I have made this crossword myself and no cross verification has been done.
If you find any problems do get back to me at | Vinod Gupta
For Solutions go to.. Click Me
About the Author- Vinod Gupta
Posted by
Impossible is Nothing
4:53 AM
A lesson for every Salaried Employee
A lesson for Every Salaried Employee
A shopkeeper watching over his shop is really surprised when he sees a dog coming inside the shop, He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back inside again. So he goes over to the dog and notices that it has a note in its mouth. He takes the note and it reads “Can I have 12 soaps and a shampoo bottle, please. The money is with the dog.” The shopkeeper looks inside the dogs mouth and to his surprise there is a 100 rupees note in his mouth. So he takes the money and puts the soap, shampoo and change in a bag, and then places it in the dogs mouth.
The shopkeeper is so impressed, and since it is the closing time, he decides to follow the dog. The dog is walking down the street, when it comes to the zebra crossing, he waits till the signal turns green. He walks across the road till the bus stop. He waits on the stop and looks up the timetable for the bus. The shopkeeper is totally out of his mind as the dog gets into the bus and sits on a vacant seat. The shopkeeper follow the dog. The dog waits for the conductor to come to his seat. He gives the change to the conductor and shows him the neck belt to keep the ticket. The shopkeeper is almost fainting at this sight and so are the other people in the bus.
The dog then moves to the front exit of the door and waits for the bus stop to arrive, looking outside. As soon as the stop is in sight he wags his tail to inform the driver to stop. Then not even waiting for the bus stop to arrive the dog jumps out and runs to the house nearby. It opens an big iron gate and rushes towards the door. As it approaches the door, he changes his mind and walks towards the garden. The dog walks up to the window and beats his head several times on the window. It then walks back to the door and waits. The shopkeeper maintaining his senses walks up to the door and watched a big guy open the door.
The guy starts beating, kicking and abusing the dog. The shopkeeper is surprised and runs to stop the guy. the shopkeeper questions the guy “What in the heaven are you doing? The dog is a genius he could be famous in life.”
The guy responds “You call this clever? This is the 3rd time in this week that the dog has forgotten the door keys.”
The moral of the story: You may continue to exceed onlookers expectations… But will always fall short of the bosses expectation…
The salary Axiom: The pay raise is just large enough to increase your taxes and just small enough to have no effect on your take-home pay.
Isaac’s Strange rule of staleness: Any food that starts out hard will soften when stale. And food that starts out soft will harden when stale.
Lampner’s Law of Employment: When leaving work late, you will go unnoticed. When you leave work early, you will meet the boss in the parking lot.

For more delatils Contact Vinod Gupta
Posted by
Impossible is Nothing
4:36 AM